Is it true that weight training helps you shed fat? I thought aerobics was the only serious fat-burning exercise.

Could you please list out some of the best sources of protein and some of the protein foods that I should avoid while trying to lose weight?

I have been weighing myself religiously, and now my friend tell me that this is not an effictive way to monitor fat loss. What do you think?

How can I lose the fat without sacrificing the lean muscle I've built in the gym?

What is the best weight loss pill?

Is it true that weight training helps you shed fat? I thought aerobics was the only serious fat-burning exercise. Back To Top

Yes, resistance training can lead to increased fat loss. In fact, it's crucial to understand that in addition to cardiovascular or aerobic exercise, resistance training is an important element in any effective fat loss program.

Muscle tissue is metabolically active in the body-in general terms, the higher your percentage of muscle mass, the higher your resting metabolism. Strength training will increase your lean muscle mass resulting in an accelerated metabolism; in other words, if you add more muscle, you'll burn more calories. And this, of course, can translate into an increase in fat burning as well.

So, in addition to the other health benefits associated with resistance training-increased strength and energy, healthy bone density, protection against injury, etc.- engaging in two or three brief and intense weight training sessions per week carries the major plus of allowing your body to burn more calories even while at rest!

Could you please list out some of the best sources of protein and some of the protein foods that I should avoid while trying to lose weight? Back To Top

Basically, anything that flies, crawls, or swims is going to be a good source of protein for you. In general, the calories you consume each day should consist of about a third of protein, unless you’re trying to gain some serious muscle in which case it could be more.

Some of the obvious protein sources are chicken, turkey, fish, and tuna. Eggs whites and lean beef will also do the job. Some people like veggie burgers. Others like the old spaghetti and sauce routine, good for about 33 grams of protein per cup (though a less complete source of protein than those above).

However, the amount of protein you consume every day should vary, depending on your lifestyle. For example, if you are somebody who exercises on the average of an hour per week, then you'll need to nourish your system with about .7 grams of protein for every pound of lean body mass.

So, if you have 140 pounds of lean body mass (this is after you subtract the body fat), you'll need to take in 98 grams of protein per day.

If you are a more hardcore trainer who works out on the average of five hours per week, you'll need to upgrade your protein intake to at least .9 grams per pound of lean body mass, which for the same person, would equate to 126 grams of protein per day.

Not all protein sources are ideal for your fitness goals, especially if you'rd aiming at a lean, healthy physique. Although chicken and fish is loaded with protein, it is also loaded with fat once you fry it. Try to grill or bake your chicken and fish and leave all the greasy fats for the rats.

I have been weighing myself religiously, and now my friend tell me that this is not an effictive way to monitor fat loss. What do you think? Back To Top

It happens every morning when you mosey out of bed, somewhere between the time you take off that robe and the instant you step into the shower. For others, it happens immediately after a workout, as soon as you peel off those sweaty clothes and stand aimlessly in your birthday suit.

Then, the big moment arrives. The excitement, the tension, it all forms a giant knot in your throat. This experience is a lot like playing the roulette wheel and you know you have plenty riding on this one. Hence, the numbers that come up can spree a variety of reactions.

You step onto the scale in your bathroom and peek through your fingers at the fate staring back at you.

To some, you jump up and down like you just hit the jackpot. Others shriek as if they'd just crapped out.

Well, the scale is indeed a useful tool to monitor your weight-loss developments. What other method is there to track specifically how much you've progressed in your endeavors to lose weight?

Yet, the scale can be like a lousy personal trainer. It can be giving you bad information. In other words, do not become too dependent on this devilish, little device sitting on your bathroom floor. Here are two reasons why:

Scales are not perfect. At any given moment, it can go from being your best friend to your worst enemy. If the scale isn't tipping your way, it can throw your entire mental state off the mark. Scales can often deceive you

into thinking you're heavier - or lighter - than you actually are. In more cases, it's the latter. And by thinking that you're that far ahead of the game, the only one you'll be fooling is yourself.

Instead, try going by how your clothes fit on your body or how you feel internally than relying on some imperfect machine. Take a picture of yourself at the beginning of the month and then at the end of the month to evaluate the progress. Obsession with the scale is not unlike other fixations - it's certainly not healthy.

Scales tend to dictate. Too many people are consumed with the numbers on the scale. It's not unlike the scenario of a baseball player who is completely engrossed in his batters' average. The average is just a number. He should be more concerned with winning the game. The same goes with the battle against weight loss. The goal should never be a number.

If you become too concerned with reaching a specific number, by a certain time, it can lead to starvation, bulimia, malnutrition, many conditions that are not beneficial to your body or you're health.

Remember, the best scale you can have is your mind. If it's telling you that the unwanted fat is disappearing from your figure like a dress on prom night, chances are that you're right.

How can I lose the fat without sacrificing the lean muscle I've built in the gym? Back To Top

Truth is, any time you lose fat, you run the danger of cutting into muscle as well. It’s a tricky balance you need to strike, but the key is to drop as much fat wile preserving as much lean muscle as possible. Here’s a few quick tips to keep in mind:

* Be certain to get your protein in every 3 hours (this is key). Also, be sure to take some protein in before bed (no carbs though).

* Try supplementing with L-Glutamine: it not only helps you get lean, it also seems to have a muscle-sparring effect in most people.

* You can drop your carbs down pretty low to tighten, but don't drop the good fats down too much. Supplementing with Omega 3s and/or flax seed oil can help.

* You'll want to consider cycling your calories if you're not doing this already. See the Ultimate Muscle Mass and Anabolic Nutrition Programs for more tips.

* Don't make your diet too complex: lean protein is the key, processed sugar is to be avoided.

* Remember, when you're natural, it's a tough job to drop fat and maintain mass. It can be done, but you have to go after it intelligently. Getting that constant influx of high-quality protein is really your #1 priority.

What is the best weight loss pill? Back To Top

I’m asked every day if there’s a “magic” pill out there . . . something that’ll help shed that excess fat tissue and keep it off for good. What if I told you that there is something that’s inexpensive, readily available, safe, without side-effects, and just may be the most effective fat loss substance anywhere?

What is this mystery substance? This magic pill that you’ve been waiting for? Well, it isn’t a pill at all. It’s good old water. That’s right, pure H2O.

Water is without a doubt one of the most underrated and yet dramatically effective keys to weight loss and, in particular, body fat reduction. There’s absolutely no denying that drinking a lot of pure, clean water (8-12 glasses per day) will help you get and stay LEAN.

Let me make it perfectly clear here that we’re talking about plain water . . . not soda (which is loaded with sugar; even diet soda is full of salt and chemical sweeteners), not coffee, tea, juice, blah, blah, blah. None of these count. Just WATER.

Why is water such an effective fat loss aide? There’s several important factors:

--Water seems to act as a natural appetite suppressant. In fact, people on diets who do not increase their water intake will find themselves feeling “hungry” much more often and more severely than those who do up their water consumption. One possible reason for this is that dieters are getting less water from their food, because they’re eating less food, so the body is actually craving fluid. These cravings can be significantly curbed with increased water intake.

--Consuming enough water allows the kidneys to function optimally. This in turn enables the liver to become more efficient at metabolizing fat. The result is an increased fat burning capacity in the liver.

--When the body doesn’t get sufficient amounts of water, it’ll metabolically shift in a defensive and protective strategy to “preserve” what it has. This can only result in a negative slowdown of bodily functions and processes. Incidentally, something similar happens when you cut fat completely out of your diet: the body compensates by holding on to as much of its fat stores as possible, thus defeating the purpose. This is why I recommend a nutrition program rich in “good” fats which promote metabolism.

In addition to fat loss, drinking adequate amounts of water also has numerous other biological and physical benefits. Maintaining healthy and vibrant appearing skin is an example of one such added benefit.

Bottom Line: drinking sufficient amounts of pure water should be the first step in any serious fat reduction program.